2.01 Newspapers
Newspapers containing maximum 5% solid-coloured newspapers or solid-coloured inserts.
2.02 Unsold newspapers
Unsold newspapers, free of solid-coloured inserts or solid-coloured leaflets which have been added afterwards.
2.02.01 Unsold newspapers, Flexo printing non-permitted
Unsold daily newspapers, free of solid-coloured leaflets or solid-coloureds inserts which have been added afterwards, cords permitted. Flexo printed material non-permitted.
2.03 White chippings, slightly printed
White chippings, slightly printed, mainly made of wood-containing paper.
2.03.01 White chippings, slightly printed without adhesive binding
White chippings, slightly printed, mainly made of woos-containing paper, without adhesive binding..
2.04 White chippings, fully printed
White chippings, fully printed, mainly made of paper containing wood.
2.04.01 Weiße Späne, stark bedruckt
White chippings, fully printed, mainly made of paper containing wood, without adhesive binding.
2.05 Assorted office waste paper
Assorted office waste paper.
2.06 Coloured files
Correspondance on printing and writing paper, mixed solid-coloured paper, printed or unprinted printing or writing paper. Free of carbon paper and paper folders.
2.07 White books, woodfree
Books, including book misprints, without hard book covers, mainly made of woodfree white paper, solely printed in black. The amount of coated paper is maximum 10%.
2.08 Coloured magazines, woodfree
Coated or uncoated magazines, white or solid-coloured, free of hard covers, adhesive bindings, non-dispersing printing colours and adhesives, poster paper or labels. Fully printed inserts and solid-coloured chippings are permitted. The amount of wood-containing papers is maximum 10%.
2.09 Self-copying paper
Self-copying paper.
2.10 Bleached, PE coated cardboard, woodfree
PE coated cardboard, bleached, woodfree, by cardboard manufacturers and processors.
2.11 Other PE coated cardboards
Unbleached cardboards and unbleached papers by cardboard manufacturers and processors are permitted.
2.12 Coninuous forms, wood-containing
Continuous forms, wood-containing, assorted in colours, permitted to contain recycled colours.